What Would ET Say?

At the Centre for Inquiry’s “The Great Extraterrestrial Debate” at U of T last Friday, Dr. Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) told us what to expect when we finally encounter E.T., which he wagers a cup of “Tim, what is it, Hortons coffee” will happen in the next few decades.

Given the billions of potentially life-supporting planets in our galaxy alone, Shostak takes it as a given that we’re not alone. But a signal traveling at the speed of light may take thousands of years each way. By the time we get word from another civilization, the senders may have been extinct for millennia.

So when we finally get a signal, what will E.T. be saying?

Read the rest at Post City!


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Filed under interviews, languages and communication, life not human

One response to “What Would ET Say?

  1. Sarah

    I thought he said something mucher simpler than that, like – “go home”. No?

What do you think?